Mirko Mazzoleni

Control and Automation Laboratory. University of Bergamo


University of Bergamo

Engineering Laboratories

Via Galvani 2, 20244 Dalmine (BG), Italy

I am assistant professor at Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering, University of Bergamo, Italy.

My research interests concern the development of theory and practice of system identification and supervision algorithms for dynamical systems. I also work on the intersection of data science, signal processing and machine learning. Currently, I am interested in these specific topics:

  • kernel methods for system identification
  • signal processing on graphs
  • analysis of vibration signals
  • robust and data-driven fault detection
  • processes for the development of supervision solutions
  • prognostics with scenario-based optimization approaches

I am co-founder of AISent srl whose mission is to create impactful solutions for the industry through technology.

You can contact me at: mirko [DOT] mazzoleni [AT] unibg [DOT] it


Sep 11, 2024 From September 30 to October 2, I will be at the 32th workshop on European Research Network System Identification (ERNSI), in Venezia, Italy.
Aug 10, 2024 New paper out! :sparkles: Design of supervision solutions for industrial equipment: Schemes, tools and guidelines for the user, Journal of Industrial Information Integration.

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selected publications

  1. TAC
    A Note on the Numerical Solutions of Kernel-Based Learning Problems
    Matteo Scandella, Mirko Mazzoleni, Simone Formentin, and 1 more author
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2021
  2. IJC
    Kernel-based identification of asymptotically stable continuous-time linear dynamical systems
    Matteo Scandella, Mirko Mazzoleni, Simone Formentin, and 1 more author
    International Journal of Control, 2022
  3. Automatica
    Kernel-based system identification with manifold regularization: A Bayesian perspective
    Mirko Mazzoleni, Alessandro Chiuso, Matteo Scandella, and 2 more authors
    Automatica, 2022
  4. EAAI
    A fuzzy logic-based approach for fault diagnosis and condition monitoring of industry 4.0 manufacturing processes
    Mirko Mazzoleni, Kisan Sarda, Antonio Acernese, and 4 more authors
    Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2022
  5. EJC
    Robust data-driven design of a jamming detection filter for airborne electromechanical actuators
    P. Boni, M. Mazzoleni, and F. Previdi
    European Journal of Control, 2024
  6. JIII
    Design of supervision solutions for industrial equipment: Schemes, tools and guidelines for the user
    Mirko Mazzoleni
    Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 2024